Okay, Scrappy's back from skiing. With a bum knee (but that's okay). My notes from last nigth's episode seem to be very messy, so I'm going to do my best to interpret them.
We start at the internet cafe in Hungary. Now, I don't profess to be a regular internet cafe earlier, but the hours of operations were 10.00 pm - 10.00 am? From the looks of the sign outside the place, I think the one they were in is number 8 on this list, and it looks like the hours are noon to ten PM. Of course, it could be that they didn't want the racers in there the same time as normal patrons, so maybe it makes sense? It make more sense than Adam not being able to figure out how to use AOL! And, dudes, it would have been so much cooler if they had made them search for their next clue using the internet or something.
Yea, Bolo and Lori caught up on a 2.55 AM train! And, as Bolo said, "If we aren't last, God is with us." Of all the teams, I didn't see them invoking the Big Dude first! And I liked him whistling for a cab and Lori admonishing, "Bolo, this ain't New York!"
Kris, I'm glad to know that Gothic architecture makes you happy. Jon, just keep Pillars of the Earth on her bedside table at all time.
We've had Transportation Gates #1, #2, and #3 in the last two seasons. Now, we have GATE-GATE. Yes, Freddy, you got a little bump on your supermodel face. Because that's so much more ugly and distracting as that combination of black plastic glasses and red do-rag thang you got goin' on. Word to the indignant nerd.
Much more fascinating that GATE-GATE was the mauling of the route marker (or, as Lori put it, the cremation thereof). Seriously, dudes. I did like the fact that it was all the big guys and Hayden in the fracas. But the wrestlers (surprise!) came out victorious in the physical fight. As they left on the little train (which has nothing on this train --scroll down, bottom row of four pictures, third picture. Yep, that's inside a saltmine in a mountain!). And here is one of the conversations that endears me to Lori and Bolo (more to come this episode): Bolo: [general glee] Woo hoo! We're first! Lori: It don't mean we're ahead! Bolo: Yeah it does, we're out first! And they take off to the Fast Forward, but not before Bolo did an extended and hilarious "Let's make fun of pretty boy Freddy". Word to the wrestler.
Jon, get Kris one of the trains, too. Because, according to her, it's all vibraty and she wants to go again. She must have gotten a bit addled, as she kepts referring the Hayden and Aaron as "Heron and Aidan". That to me screams an Irish man's guide to waterfowl.
All of the other teams ride the little train. But no one's funny.
Let's give a shout out to the Hungarian Taxi Drivers once more. Hera: Do you speak English? HTD: No. Brilliant.
I had no idea that Hungary was known for Waterpolo and blowing up things without the use of electricity. But, apparently, they are! Well, waterpolo at least. I can't find any evidence of them being good at blowing things up without electricity. But neither are Gus and Hera, so it's okay.
Waterpolo was fun, wasn't it? Personally I would have rather played hockey or table tennis. But my mom was happy that Kris and Jon did waterpolo, as she exclaimed, "Oh my God, he is hot! I never realized that Jon's hotness was a disputable fact. I do hope that the teams are all a bit smug watching last night's episode as they saw everybody get it in on the first try (or, at least we saw them get it in on the first try). My favorite moment of that sequence goes to Adam and Rebecca. Rebecca has the ball and she's going for the goal and yells to Adam, "Distract him!" What does Adam do? Puts his had out of the water, waves, and shyly says, "Hi!" I'm certain that's what Rebecca had in mind.
Poor Gus and Hera. They really shouldn't pick detour options no one else is going to do. I helped pump up an air mattress at Christmas this year and it took forever. I can't imagine doing it with a whole raft.
Cut to Lori and Bolo driving to the Fast Forward. In another moment of Bolo's mastery of the English language, Lori is complaning and worried that they aren't going to find the place and they're going to come in last, and Bolo says, "You're the biggest optimist I've ever seen in my life." I'm hoping it was sarcastic. But, with Bolo? You really can't be sure. But they were totally masters at that Fast Forward! Drinking the stuff I'm sure is nasty. But eating it is even worse.
I love spicy food. But I have had some Hungarian dishes that were spicier than any Thai food I've ever had. I agree with Jon that the cook maybe should tone it down a bit next time. That's all I'm going to say about that who roadblock.
And the race to the pitstop. My favorite line of this sequence goes to Adam, who thought that a funicular was a small person bicycle. No, it's not. But here's a song about a Funicula. I've been on two of them. One in Paris and one in Salzburg. They are cool, and I don't blame Adam and Rebecca for wanting to take it instead of climbing the hill. But they shouldn't have stopped to watching the changing of the guard! But Adam was very cute when he said, "Don't stop to watch--I'll bring you back". I can't help but really dig these two. Hellboy horns and all.
Oh dude, that was the best ethnic greeter ever! Even better than the dude at the castle in Scotland!
Well Gus and Hera, it's time to say goodbye. But it's a relief that as one SpyDaddy leaves my TV, the best SpyDaddy come on my screen at 8 pm tonight!
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