Thursday, December 23, 2004

Episode 6 - My Thoughts

Okay. That episode was just totally not fair. I sat on the couch at the end for about two minutes staring blankly at the commecials playing, thinking to myself (and probably muttering out loud), "they are so not allowed to do that. And next week is a clip show so we won't see who gets kicked off this leg for two more weeks!"

Anyways. As it's a day later than I usually get my thoughts up, today's recap is really just that. Unstructured thoughts straight out of my notebook.

Okay, why are these people are eating, sleeping, and mingling on boats in the beginning of the episode? I think this is the third time now we've seen them do that. Are they trying to mess with the already precarious balance and equilibrium of some of these individuals?

Checkpoint Charlie. Cool, cool, cool. I still have a t-shirt from when I was eight or nine that says "you are leaving the American Sector" in four different languages.

Gus. Please do not be happy and satisfied about being in 5th place. Sure, the only objective right now is not be last, but 5th will do me no good in the pool. But kudos to you saying stuff about Checkpoint Charlie being used by all the spies!

Victoria. For a pop artist, you seem to be a bit colorblind. That traffic light was totally red. On all accounts.

Freddy, you totally stop being attractive in any way, shape, or form when Kendra calls you "Fred". Please don't give cause for her to do that again. And it makes you seem really old, too. I was waiting for you to pull out the cardigan sweater and sing "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" or something.

I absolutley loved Rebecca's comment at the bungee jump "You're not doing it, wussy boy". I think that was totally my favorite line of the episode (at least until I get further down in my notes and find another one).

Story time!
When Karen was on foreign study in Australia, her parents came to visit and they went to New Zealand, and she went bungee jumping. Dave videotaped the whole thing, and the picture is all shaky because he was so nervous watching her do it! So I understand Gus talking about "this doesn't look good, she's still down!" in regards to Kendra. I would have never done that roadblock. I would have been with whoever was drawing that little picture on the sign up board (did you guys see it? It was so funny!).

Oh wait, here's my favorite line of the episode! And that award goes to Lori, when she was getting strapped into the bungee thing, and she said, "I'm glad I didn't get a bigger boob job than I did!". Oh, the funny.

And off we go to Hungary. As most airport drama revolved around Voledmort, I'm not going to talk about it.

Yea Trabants! Seriously, those are the goofiest little cars ever. I think I remember hearing or reading somewhere (probably from my mom) that those were one of the few car models available in easter bloc European countries, and there was actually a years' long waiting list for them! Proper nickname: Trabbies. Unofficial nickname: Ente--German for duck. One of the models of the Trabbie had windows that didn't roll down. Instead, they were hinged halfway down so you had to fold the top half over the bottom half and, like, snap it down or something on the outside of the door. Like the rest of the car, the snaps never stayed together very well so the windows would be flapping on the side, giving the impression that they were wings. That would be cool. Was anyone else hoping that by some miracle Meredith and Maria made it this far in the race so we could see them trying to drive those cars?!

Hayden, maps scare you? I understand the plight of the directionally impaired (because at least a certain two members of this pool suffer greatly from it, but not me!), but I've never heard of anyone being scared of a map other than getting paper cuts when trying to fold the things back up. Maybe that's the book I need to write--"The Idiot's Guide to Map Reading". They've got idiot's guides to everything else, but not maps!

Aaron, what did you hit? I thought it was a plastic construction cone, but your hand was all cut up and bleeding.

Jon--I didn't realize that cars made good surf boards. But you made it look easy!

That was a sweet detour. I would have gone insane at the castle and whiled away any lead I had climbing all over the walls and looking at stuff. And Hayden, you're dumb. "The stone is the castle?" No. The castle is made out of fiberglass and steel beams and is in the financial district of Eger. Come on!

And we have our first instance of product placement this season (well, with the exception of the trips to beautiful Hawaii and exotic Mexico and all)! I really don't have a problem with this. When you travel you go to internet cafes. And you use computers. And you sign on to an internet provider of some kind. It makes a lot more sense than Jeff Probst coming to a challenge with a package of Pringles and Bud Light, you know?

Adam and Rebecca are totally growing on me--about as quickly as Adam's horns seem to be growing (seriously--have you noticed they aren't so tidy anymore?). I like the matching Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" bracelets they have, and Rebecca is just too funny. I had to rewatch the episode to catch most of her lines, and I suggest you do the same :-)

The hero of the week award goes to: Voldemort's Cab Driver!
Never before in the history of this show has a team been kicked out of a cab. This was like the taxi drivers of the world, unite! gotcha back kharma for all the crap that racers have thrown at them. Here's to you, Hungarian Taxi Man!


At 23 December 2004 at 09:20, Blogger Smitty said...

I'm hoping they will show the end of Episode 6 in conjuction with the clip show next week, so we won't have to wait.

In terms of product placement, don't forget that everytime Phil talks about exotic mexico and alaskan cruises that it is always "courtesy of American Airlines at" But still way better than the sudden appearance of a solar powered Folgers Home Cafe coffee maker at Survivor camp!

When is the surprise team of Harry and Albus going to show up and take out Voldemort and Victoria? Speaking of which, it was announed this week that book 6 comes out summer 2005! Yippee!

At 23 December 2004 at 09:21, Blogger Scrappy said...

Not just this summer - July 16th to be exact!


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