Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Episode Standings - Places and Points

Here's the boring post of the day:

Team Standings - Episode Three
1. Hayden & Aaron (120)
2. Kris & Jon (150)
3. Gus & Hera (80)
4. Jonathan & Victoria (70)
5. Adam & Rebecca (70)
6. Freddy & Kendra (40)
7. Lori & Bolo (30)
8. Don & Mary Jean (0)

Pools Standings - Episode Three
1. Karen 1195
2. Ami 985
3. Mike 980
4. Scott 975
5. Judy 970
6. Jonathan 960
7. Jill 815
8. Jay 760
9. Jan, June 750
10. Eric 740
11. Caitlin, Samuel 730
12. Stephanie 715
13. Lee 650
14. Jack 615
15. Chris 575
16. Kristen 555
17. Curt 485
18. Allegra 380
19. Bill 315
20. Ben 255
21. Kristin B 235
22. Dave 210
23. Boogie 130


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